Church Center Instructions
Church Center is our online and smartphone portal for Bethel Christian Assembly Church family. With Church Center, we have a place to connect with one another through our online directory, access calendar for upcoming events and other features.
Church Center can be accessed through either our web portal or through the mobile app. Here are instructions on setting up and using the Church Center app on your phone.
Step 1: Download and Install the Church Center App
- Search your app store for “Church Center” or go to the Android or iOS app link.
- Download and install the app
- Run the app and click on “Get Started”
- Allow Church Center to find our church. To do so, either:
- Allow it to access your location & click “Bethel Christian Assembly”
- OR
- Search for our church by entering “Bethel Christian Assembly” and use the zip code “85040”
- Allow it to access your location & click “Bethel Christian Assembly”
- Click on the church logo and select “This is my church”
- Enter your phone number (one that allows text messaging).
- Church Center will text you a login code. Enter the login code in the app to continue to set up your password.
- Click on your user profile to log in. You may optionally set up fingerprint / Face ID scanning to login faster.
- That’s it! You are all set up. From this point on, you should be logged in and you won’t need to perform these steps again.
Step 2: Using the Church Center App
We have set up multiple features for Bethel Christian Assembly within Church Center. Most features are found using the bottom navigation menu bar.
Main Functions
- Me : Section where you could update your profile info and view all events and signup info that is relevant to you.
- Home : Provides our basic church information
- Calendar : View upcoming events and services
- Sign Ups : View signup info for upcoming events
- Groups : Access info related to various groups within the church family. (You’d need to request to join a group)
- Directory : View our church directory
Your Account
Updating Your and Your Family’s Information and Photo
- Click on your photo or initials at the top-right corner of the screen to go into the “Account” screen.
- To update your personal information, click on your name/photo at the top. This will take you to the “Edit Profile” screen. Click on each item to modify it. When done, click the Update link at the top-right of the screen.
- You may also update your personal photo from here. Click on the existing photo or the “Update Photo” link (at the top of the “Edit Profile” screen). Then upload a photo from your device.
- For heads of households: to update your household information, from the Account screen, click on the photos or initials under the “My Household” section. It will take you to a listing of your household members. Click on each member of your household to update their information. Just like updating your own information, click on each item to edit it, then make sure to click the “Update” link at the top-right of the screen.
- Note: if you need to add or remove a household member, there is a link at the bottom of the page to contact us by email. We’ll be happy to help you out.
Church Directory
Updating Your and Your Family’s Directory Settings
- In order to access the Directory feature of Church Center, you must first be invited by one of the administrators. (The directory is setup as a closed group. This is to ensure that the info is only accessible within our church family)
- Invitations are only sent through email, and only through the primary email address we have on file for you.
- Make sure to update your primary email address and your family members’ primary email addresses using the steps above.
- Once you receive an invite to the Bethel Christian Assembly Directory, click on the link in the email and it will ask you to log into Church Center. Use the login you set up when you downloaded the app.
- To choose what information to share on the church directory, go to Church Center, click on your icon or photo, and click on “Profile”.
- In the Profile page, click on “My Directory Settings”. If you do not see this option, you have not yet been invited to the church directory. Please contact the church admin ( to request an invitation.
- There are options under “Directory Settings” for both your personal information and your household members’ information (if you are part of a household). Check each box to allow the directory to include that piece of information.
- When ready, click the “Update profile” button at the bottom right of the page to save your settings and update the church directory.
- To view your information and find others in the directory, click the “Directory” link within the app.